When I reached the 3rd floor, I saw a few people waiting outside a room. They had lined up as if they were waiting for their turn for an audition going on inside the room. So I understood that I was at the right place. There was hardly anyone there – Just a few guys waiting for an audition, a peon and an assistant. However, this was not the main Yash Raj office. This was just meant for casting and so would only be visited by aspiring actors (and not clients!). So, there wasn’t really a need to spend much on this one. Smart work by YRF I thought! A notice on the audition room door said – “Email 2 pictures with name and number in Subject to Shanoo”. Shanoo is the casting director of YRF whom I had once spoken with over the phone. I had requested her for her time to meet her but she said she was too busy and I should just send my pictures. And as it always happens, I did not get a call back. I was hoping to see her this time but I was told she wasn’t in and someone else (Parag) was conducting auditions today.
I caught hold of the peon and told him that I had come to drop my pictures. He said I should email them as leaving them at the office would only mean that they will go to the bin! I requested him to let me meet one of the casting directors or anyone available in office. He introduced me to Sushant who was another assistant to Shanoo like Parag. I explained to Sushant what I needed and he turned out to be a very helpful guy! He made me wait to meet Parag who later told me that they will shoot my introduction and let me know whenever there is something suitable for me. I immediately prepared a quick 3-4 line intro. I wanted this to be really good as I thought this could be my entry into Yash Raj Films! However, when my turn came, Sushant told me that I shouldn’t say my own intro and should just answer the questions he asks me while he will shoot me on camera.
The questions were pretty simple ones – Name? Age? Favourite Actor? Actress? Film? Director you would like to work with? And finally, please look at the camera and smile! I guess all they wanted to see was if a person is camera friendly, can talk, and how he/she looks on camera under lights. I thought I did OK but I could do and look much better. I asked Sushant if he can also record me saying what I have prepared but he refused. Later, we had a 5-minute chat on what I should do to meet directors/assistants, whether I should get a good portfolio done, whether it is important to have a good physique for all actors, etc. Once again, I was being told how impossible it is to meet a director or an assistant to ask them for work! I requested him to pass my introduction tape on to Shanoo, thanked him for being so helpful, and left the office.
Once again, I am hoping that I get a call from Shanoo, Aditya or Yashji some day! If not, I’ll be on the look-out for directors, producers, may be Yashji himself to tell him why he should launch me! 🙂
hey im sure you all love YRF films so you should check out the FB page of YRF… videos of the day and there posts are lovely 🙂
hey…could u pls provide me wid shanoo’s mail id…….
Hi sir i am farhan from chennai my life dream is a acting so plz plz plz give me a chance thank you my e mail f.raza32@yahoo.in my mob 9094715793
hello sir iam micky leave in sirohi (raj ) . iam 24 year old i intersting work in actinge plz give me one chanse to proof my self call me 8561088838
Best perfome the bollywood
hi ser god evnig i m novil from delhi and i love acting i do in two ads and one film plzz plzz give me one chance
hi ser god evnig i m novil from delhi and i love acting i do in two ads and one film plzz plzz give me one chance
my no.09717453427
in search of my dreams at yrf my family huge fan of yashji & addi bhai
i call me back plz
hi sir i am rajkumar bareilly my life dream is acting so ply plz plz sir my email add.bindas.rajkumar143@gmail.com my mobile no. 8868805790 plz sir one chance thank you sir