I can’t express how I feel without sounding like crap.. So I’m going to say it all in the disguise of Rap! Wears cool t-shirts and also speaks nerd.. When Ally walks in, things start moving forward. I don’t know how he manages to keep it all in place.. But if it weren’t for Mason, […]
It takes me 45 seconds to walk from my apartment to the nearest Starbucks outlet. This morning during the walk, I noticed – the clear blue sky the pleasant weather green trees flanking the walkway two butterflies flying right past me birds chirping in harmony a beautiful woman walking across the street (she may have […]
Just when I thought my life as an actor was over, the universe conspired to send me some artistic angels. I have been working with them for a year or so now and I cannot believe my luck. I am honoured, delighted and grateful to be in the presence of these bright young minds and […]
So, amidst all the chaos of studies, cultural events, theatre, travel and Netflix, I landed an internship in summer 2019 at an impressive company iCode. As it happens, this is my first job in The United States and I am having quite an enriching experience. I have tried spell it out in this LinkedIn post […]
Graduate studies can be a tricky business. In the day and age where many effective lessons and courses are available for free on the Internet, it becomes difficult to choose the right subjects to invest your limited time and money in. More often than not, it just comes down to the professor. In the Spring […]
The earliest memory (and perception) I have of Easter is the song “My name is Anthony Gonsalves” from the 1975 movie Amar Akbar Anthony. In the song, Amitabh Bachchan emerges out of an Easter Egg to break into a Bollywood number about how he is looking for a suitable woman to marry. So, when Dylan […]
We never forget our first international trip! Mine was when I visited Singapore and Thailand and it was special for so many reasons. First, I met the coolest bunch of travel writers and journalists on that trip. Priya, Kiran, Malavika, Nolan, Antoine, Alka, Bindu, Anjali, Anita, Akash, Swapneil, Karuna were all a delight to travel […]
So I spent my Spring 2019 break on a trip that has been the best so far in this country! It all started with New Orleans where I met some wonderful people, visited some marvelous hotspots and ate some delicious food. It is all captured in this fun video which is my attempt to preserve […]
I have been trying to piece together the impact of tourism on water scarcity and how these two co-relate. Due to my experience as a Travel writer and my interest in solar desalination, it feels like the area I should do some more research on. And thanks to my current education in data analytics, I […]