And just like that, it’s two weeks into January and work has picked up. Morning meetings at 7:30 am, fires to put out, exciting new projects, nerves about the upcoming reviews and appraisal season… just everyday corporate things.
When I took a couple of years off from corporate life to explore (travel, acting, that kind of thing), it was this routine that I started missing the most. Even more than the monthly paycheck, it was the assurance of knowing what I was going to do the next morning. Having someplace to go, some target to hit, some people to meet. It often gets monotonous real quick but with the right job, the right people and the right incentive – like it is in my present case – it can be a breath of fresh air. Something you look forward to. Something that helps you grow, explore other exciting things, explore your own boundaries.

With this new year, as I get back into the so-called grind, my heart is filled with hope, excitement and a sense of adventure. Upward and onward…