UTD Theatre’s Julius Caesar – An Ode to The Cast and Crew


I can’t express how I feel without sounding like crap..
So I’m going to say it all in the disguise of Rap!

Wears cool t-shirts and also speaks nerd..
When Ally walks in, things start moving forward.

I don’t know how he manages to keep it all in place..
But if it weren’t for Mason, this would be a lost race!

Want to hear Sci-Fi fantasies in a deep, powerful voice?
Ask Hayden what he’d do for his girl, given a choice!

With all her cool ideas and funky attitude,
Lau will lift your spirits up, set the right mood!

If I ever wanted another accent, it would be his..
Coz if I could talk like Benjamin, I’d never hit and miss!

This chess player always makes you feel so special..
With his soothing words and gestures, Zura is just magical

Women are enchanted and go weak in their knees,
When Jake performs his acrobatics with nonchalance and ease!

In a strange and new world, it’s easy to feel at home..
When friendly guys like Kelton explain the history of Rome!

Dresses like a star and always speaks so well..
If I had half of Ricky’s talents, life would be swell!

He often sits by himself, looks very quiet and busy..
But I’ll never forget the moment Dante said, “Fight me, pussy”!

Every evening, without fail, he gets into his zone..
Eric is the rockstar with a very funny bone!

She plays the violin, features in super funny memes..
Michelle is that adorable girl from your dreams!

Teaches me names of food, no knowledge does she lack..
Meghan knows EACH AND EVERY life hack!

She says all the hep words, they all sound legit..
I had never heard of “skedaddle” till Cassie used it!

Her calm voice and pleasant talks make you want to hear more..
Emma is that person, that lovely girl next door!

I just love it when she giggles, I’m glad we got along..
A breath of fresh air, McKinley is a happy song!

Her beautiful eyes light up, showing you her gentle soul..
Alex leaves you in splits, for she is always on a roll!

Sometimes things get boring, and everything seems dead..
And suddenly there is laughter, coz of something Allan said!

With oodles of talent and so much dedication..
O Melinda, you should be called the pride of this nation!
Every time I see you, I see a dear friend..
I’ll cherish your Shakespeare cap till the very end!

The only morning person in the lot I guess..
She is funny, cute and chirpy, when the rest are a mess!
Excellent at yoga but not good at being rude..
Don’t make it bad, just sing “Hey Jude!”

Beautiful and smart and hilarious and lame,
She speaks at a pace that can put a rocket to shame!
She’ll dance into your heart, without making a sound..
You’ll never feel blue as long as Sam is around!

She is a cat person but calls her cat a bitch..
When kitty needs a corner, she can seldom make the switch!
Her laughter makes you feel the world’s awesome after all..
Raquel is like the heartwarming colors of Fall!

All the fun warm-ups and every catchy song..
And every social outing, without her would just go wrong!
Watching her play Caesar has been such a treat..
And Osi as a person is so cute and sweet!

You can’t die of hunger if you have a snack..
You don’t take a train that’s not on track..
You won’t place a hat on a damn shoe rack..
And you aren’t born cool, unless you are Zach!

Her warmth is what good things in the world are all about..
Her charm can make even the grumpiest people pout!
When days seem dark and every moment dull,
All you really need is a dose of Ravishing Rachel!

Last, though not last in love, is the boss I can’t thank enough..
She seems to me as sweet, as she seems to be tough!
I adore her smile, and her stare gives me fever..
But please know, Shelby, I am grateful forever!

616 Days To Go

Use of Data Science in Solar Desalination – that’s what I had in mind when I landed in the United States of America on July 27, 2018 to study Business Analytics. About 4 months into it, I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people, take a weekend trip to Austin, perform in a brilliant theatre production of Julius Caesar with a supremely talented cast and crew, and found a new organization, Travelytics, at the University of Texas at Dallas. These have been heartwarming experiences and I will write more about them in separate, dedicated blog posts.
Photograph: Theatre UTD

My data science journey so far has involved learning Statistics, the R programming language, and SQL as part of Database foundations. I have also been doing online courses on Python and Machine Learning to get well-versed with the basics of data science. It has all been a bit overwhelming but I think I am slowly finding my bearings here.

For entertainment, I have been binge-watching Aaraon Sorkin’s political drama, The West Wing. One of its episodes titled 365 days has made me think that it would be helpful if I keep count of the number of days I have left in my Masters program. It may be a good way of keeping myself focused and reminding myself of the goals I wish to achieve in my time as a Grad student. So, here we are, at 616 days to go. For some inspiration and perspective, I started with this article on How Big Data is Changing the Future of Renewable Energy Sector:

How Big Data is Changing the Future of Renewable Energy Sector

There is still so much to do. A good strategy would be to first become an expert in data mining, visualization, Big Data Analytics, predictive analytics and Machine Learning techniques while keeping an eye on the business side of things in the solar sector. I should also follow major journals and websites related to both renewable energy and data science (something I should have started already but haven’t). In my second semester, I am taking courses in IT Audit and Risk Management and IT security in order to broaden my horizons. Over the next few weeks, I will be aiming at finishing the Fall semester with as much knowledge retention from my courses as possible, efficient application of techniques in my R and Database projects, and completion of my online courses on Python and Machine learning.

I also have ambitious plans for our new club Travelytics for which I have had the privilege of getting together an excellent team of bright and young students.

616 days to go. Time to turn up the heat!