Four of us decided to check out Mr. A.R.Rahman’s Le Musk in Los Angeles. I had these cool shoes I brought back from India because my father had left them untouched for a few years so I thought I’d put them to use. Felt like a good day to wear them. So there we were – two couples on a rainy day making it to Sunset Boulevard geared up for an exciting experience.
The movie was fun but not too cinematic. You enter the Le Musk room through an alley that has walls covered with roses. Then you are welcomed by a nice man who is very happy to see you and gives you an intro about the movie, hoping for some word of mouth publicity. You are then directed to your fancy chair pod where you get your VR headset but it’s not just that. As you discover over the next 40 minutes, it also dispenses MUSKS in sync with the movie. Pretty neat idea and almost well implemented. Without giving away too much, I can say that I enjoyed the visuals and the depth in this experience. But the story, dialogue, direction were all – sorry to say Mr. Rahman – quite amateur. Also, I could swear that my musks were off-timed!
Anyway, we then make our way out to get into the car and head to the pizza place (LaAntica) nearby as we are quite hungry. This is when my left shoe decides to give in! We try tying it up with the shoe lace, jumping on it hoping that it sticks back, looking for tape, etc. Doesn’t work. The walk is just 5 mins so I drag my foot till we reach our restaurant and then the table. The place is full of people but the three sweethearts with me don’t care so I am not embarrassed at all by the sound of my dragging foot! The delicious wine and marvelous pizza we have over the next hour make it all worth it.

And then, as we are leaving, my right shoe understands that there is no point fighting it anymore. So it gives in too. It’s sole departs with sorrow as I now drag both my feet, one after the other, to head outside. The others walk back to the car while I wait at the restaurant to click this picture.

It’s drizzling. The car pulls up. I get in with a smile and a nice story to remember the day I saw Le Musk at Sunset Boulevard.