Tourism and Desalination – An Example from Central America

I have been trying to piece together the impact of tourism on water scarcity and how these two co-relate. Due to my experience as a Travel writer and my interest in solar desalination, it feels like the area I should do some more research on. And thanks to my current education in data analytics, I have the advantage of using tools and technologies that can be helpful additions to my arsenal. Today, I came across an article that talks about the sustainable supply of water for tourism in The Yucatan:

Sustainable, self sufficient supply of water for the Tourism Industry in the Yucatan


It’s inspiring to see students working on sustainable desalination and I think the tourism industry, specifically, can benefit from more research and initiatives in this direction. Personally, I am interested in looking at more data points I can use in this area to be able to come up with insights as an analyst. I’ll be thankful to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

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