Using Python and Natural Language Processing for Mental Health Data Analysis

In an attempt to practice my analytics coding skills, I thought I’ll put them to work in a topic that interests and affects many people across the globe. So, I used Python, NLP (natural language processing), matplotlib, seaborn, WordCloud, and Tweepy, to perform some basic analysis followed by a round of sentiment analysis on data extracted from recent tweets.


Through hands-on implementation of pandas, natural language processing, and #matplotlib, I learnt a bunch of stuff during this project including –

  • how to install and use wordcloud
  • how to create and use a twitter #developer account
  • how to install and use #tweepy
  • how to perform #sentimentanalysis on extracted data


While the project is not everything I wanted it to be, it provided some good practice in essential data science tools and techniques. I wrote a detailed description of this project in this article on LinkedIn. All the code for this project is posted on my github page.

The realization that I am lacking in so many aspects of data science is sometimes disheartening. However, I am determined to keep moving forward. The day I find myself to be an excellent data analyst cannot be too far, right?

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